Kwon Mina releases the proof of her wrist scar and ask AOA Jimin to just apologized for what she's doing to her on Instagram.
Netizen comments :
(+3967,-25) How much has she bothered you to make a person like that?
(+3768,-20) First of all, I think people around you need to take care of you so that you can relax. ã… ã… I feel bad and my heart hurt.
(+3376,-22) It's so shocking.
(+563,-4) Ah, but fnc is really too much...
Her father's in critical condition but she's on a schedule?
Are you approving the fact that the team's relationship isn't as good as that scar?
(+486,-10) Choia, it's your turn to go.
(+418,-6) I'm not interested in idol groups, but whenever they're on variety shows, Jimin and Seolhyun always do everything together. There are other members next to them, but it just look like you hated it. You've been ignoring the other members behind you.