Knetz shares mixed reaction of the new drama of Park Minyoung and Seo Kangjoon ' I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice'

Knetz shares mixed reaction of the new drama of Park Minyoung and Seo Kangjoon ' I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice'

Netizens comments :

(+42,-18) It's calm and nice. Park Minyoung always has good chemistry.

(+21,-10) 1.5% viewer rating ......

(+10,-2) I'm curious about episode 3. Haewon hugged Eunseob.^^

(+9,-2) I'm looking forward to episode 3.

(+6,-3) I'm sure they're going to get really excited while playing the roller coaster. I'm looking forward to the third episode.

(+4,-2) What's wrong with the ratings?That's too bad.ã… ã…