Actress Kim Hyesu and Ju Jihoon ready to be the best lawyer at the press conference of upcoming drama 'Hyena'!
Netizen comments :
(+144,-3) Wow, I didn't know it was training pants. Hyesoo makes my training pants look like suits.ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
(+106,-17) Hyesu whos look good in training pants and Ju Jihoon who is good at acting. I will watch it!
(+78,-48) I can't believe someone in the drug scandal plays an elite lawyer.
(+16,-6) Sounds fun. I'm going to watch it.~
(+3,0) Kim Hyesu is such a cool girl. I will watch it!
(+3,0) I like Kim Hyesun, I hope its become a great success ♥