Actress Kim Hyesu and Ju Jihoon ready to be the best lawyer at the press conference of upcoming drama 'Hyena'!

Actress Kim Hyesu and Ju Jihoon ready to be the best lawyer at the press conference of upcoming drama 'Hyena'!

Netizen comments :

(+144,-3) Wow, I didn't know it was training pants. Hyesoo makes my training pants look like suits.ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

(+106,-17) Hyesu whos look good in training pants and Ju Jihoon who is good at acting. I will watch it!

(+78,-48) I can't believe someone in the drug scandal plays an elite lawyer.

(+16,-6) Sounds fun. I'm going to watch it.~

(+3,0) Kim Hyesu is such a cool girl. I will watch it!

(+3,0) I like Kim Hyesun, I hope its become a great success ♥