The Japanese was upset by the scandal involving actors Masahiro Higashide and Erika Karata.
Netizen comment :
(+1129,-65) The situation is like this, and foreigners who don't even know the top of the real-time search keywords....
(+487,-11) Who are these people?
(+104,-5) It's pathetic why they're the top searchers here.Pathetic
(+26,0) He's cheating as a dad and husband.. I feel bad to her.
(+18,0) There's Korean Minhee here, don't waste your time at him.
(+11,-1) Erika Karata, let's not see it at Brown's Hall in Korea anymore.
(+7,0) He's really Higashi. He's the only Japanese actor I really liked. He had three children and didn't feel guilty. Wow, I can't believe he did that. ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹